Vu Van Tuan, deputy head of the Lao Cai International Border Gate Customs Office, said the unit has implemented e-customs declaration at Kim Thanh and Lao Cai Station border gates since 2014.
It takes only two to three seconds for customs clearance in the green lanes, ensuring fast and safe customs clearance and improving the law observance of individuals and enterprises, he said, adding that the Lao Cai Economic Zone Management Board strives to complete the digital transformation at the border gates by the end of 2022.
The application of e-customs declaration at Hoanh Mo Border Gate Customs Office in northern province of Quang Ninh helps reduce time and cost for people and businesses. |
Pham Duy Hung, deputy head of Hoanh Mo Border Gate Customs Office in Quang Ninh province, said most of the administrative procedures are done on the online public service system. This does not only reduce travel time for businesses but also helps solve customs-related paperwork more quickly as well as minimize negative phenomenon, he said, adding that the Vietnam Automated System for Seaport Customs Management (VASSCM) system has been deployed at two seaports and 23 customs free warehouses.
Hung said that since the beginning of this year, the Quang Ninh Customs Sub-department has implemented a customs declaration software for businesses at Enterprises only need to have an internet-connected device to access to customs declaration.
Lang Son is with the most breakthroughs among the localities promoting the application of digital technology at the border gates.
The province piloted the digital border gate platform at Huu Nghi and Tan Thanh from mid-January.
Nguyen Khac Lich, director of the provincial Department of Information and Communications, said the digital border gate platform is developed base on modern technologies such as artificial intelligence (AI), big data (Bigdata), Cloud computing. The platform is shared between various authorities, helping cut down the time for conducting necessary procedures and improving transparency in management activities.
Pham Tuan Hoan, deputy director of Xuan Cuong Friendship JSC, an enterprise specializing in providing wharf and transshipment services at Huu Nghi International Border Gate, said the commissioning of the platform facilitates information confirmation.
Deputy Director of the Lang Son Customs Sub-department Vi Cong Tuong said with about 700,000 vehicles entering and leaving the border gate each year, the Digital Border Gate Platform has brought about great benefits as it minimizes the workload, time and costs, adding that it can reduce the risk of infection for officials working there given the complicated development of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Source: VNA