A scene in 'Pao's story', a successful Vietnamese film

Many US film makers have shown interest in Viet Nam due to its stable legal and business environment, affirmed Vice President of the Motion Picture Association of America, Gregory Frazier, during his recent visit to Viet Nam.

The visit aimed to lay a foundation for a closer tie between the film industries of the two countries, he said, noting that US film makers can cooperate with their Vietnamese partners to produce films or provide technical assistance to help develop the Vietnamese movies industry.

Viet Nam is full of potential with a population of more than 83 million people, time-honored history and a diversified culture, he said, adding that these will enable film makers to explore various topics in Viet Nam as well as introduce their movies to Viet Nam.

He affirmed that the relations between the US and Viet Nam as well as their cooperation in the field of cinematography are being promoted as Viet Nam officially becomes a member of the World Trade Organisation (WTO). The move, he said, would bring in many opportunities for the two sides to share experiences in this field.
