The event featured the childhood and boyhood of the late President in Hoang Tru village, Kim Lien commune, Nam Dan district, Nghe An province, and Quoc Hoc Hue School (Hue National School) in the imperial city of Hue.

A performance at the program (Photo: Nghe An radio-TV station)

The President lived in his hometown for 10 years, from 1890 to 1895 and from 1901 to 1906, and another decade in Hue, 1895-1901 and 1906-1909.

Through photos, documents and art performances, the program helped the watchers understand more about what had fueled the determination of Nguyen Ai Quoc (an alias of President Ho Chi Minh) to seek the way for national salvation.

It was also broadcast by 43 other radio and television channels across the country.

With his intelligence, talent and outstanding contributions to the Vietnamese nation and the advancement of mankind, in 1987, the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation (UNESCO) honored President Ho Chi Minh as a Hero of National Liberation and a Great Man of Culture of Vietnam.

Source: VNA