The attendance is made at the invitation of Indonesian President Joko Widodo. The events will take place in Jakarta from September 4 to 7, marking the culmination of Indonesia's ASEAN chairmanship in 2023. In line with the chair’s theme of “ASEAN Matters: Epicentrum of Growth,” the summit provides an opportunity for ASEAN leaders to discuss and chart the directions for strengthening the ASEAN Community and making the bloc the focal point of growth amidst the complexities and changes in the current global and regional landscape.

Ambassador Nguyen Hai Bang, Permanent Representative of Vietnam to ASEAN 

Vietnam officially joined the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) on July 28, 1995. Promoting its role as a nucleus for unity and cohesion, the country actively promoted the accession of Laos, Myanmar (in 1997), and Cambodia (in 1999) to the bloc shortly after becoming a member. These efforts contributed to realizing the idea of an ASEAN encompassing all 10 Southeast Asian countries, creating a significant transformation within the organization and the regional situation at that time.

Vietnam has made substantial contribution to defining ASEAN’s goals, development directions, and major policies, while playing a part in building and passing several crucial documents such as the ASEAN Vision 2020, ASEAN Charter, and ASEAN Community Vision 2025. Given complex global and regional dynamics, Vietnam has participated in shaping the region's principles and "rules of the game," joining ASEAN’s efforts to ensure peace, security, stability, dialogue, and cooperation. With other member states, Vietnam has proactively and vigorously promoted community-building across all pillars, from politics and economics to culture and society, with a strong emphasis on enhancing ASEAN connectivity and expanding relations with global partners.

In an interview with the Vietnam News Agency’s correspondents in Jakarta, Ambassador Nguyen Hai Bang, Permanent Representative of Vietnam to ASEAN, stated that in 2023, amid the multidimensional challenges in the region and the world, ASEAN remains united and reaffirms its identity.

The diplomat held that with its readiness, proactivity, responsibility, Vietnam has made significant contribution to the collective success of the bloc’s conferences this year. The message Vietnam wants to convey is a spirit of solidarity and determination to make substantial and effective contribution to building the ASEAN Community. This also highlights the consistent approach of the Vietnamese Party and State, considering ASEAN as an integral part of its foreign policy.

According to Bang, with the above-mentioned attitude, Vietnam has achieved several important results. Firstly, Vietnam consistently advocates a united, cohesive, developed, strong ASEAN that serves as a nuclear force in maintaining peace and stability in Southeast Asia, Asia-Pacific and Indian Ocean.

Secondly, Vietnam has worked with other countries to advance the bloc’s community-building process, maintain unity, and uphold ASEAN's principled stance on international and regional issues.

Thirdly, Vietnam has promoted regional connectivity in terms of institutional mechanisms, infrastructure, and human connections, thereby unlocking cooperation potential and contributing to ASEAN's growth objectives.

Sharing insights into efforts and contribution of the Vietnamese Delegation to ASEAN, the ambassador noted that from the beginning of 2023, Vietnam was prepared to participate and effectively contribute to all bloc activities. As the lead agency responsible for negotiating many documents throughout the year, the Vietnamese Delegation has worked to pro-actively put forth initiatives. Other member countries highly valued and recognized Vietnam's contribution, which helped further enhancing its image, role, and position within the bloc.

Source: VNA