During a conference in Hanoi on October 19 reviewing the SAV’s ASOSAI Chairmanship for 2018-2021 and the 15th Assembly of the Asian Organization of Supreme Audit Institutions (ASOSAI 15), Thanh said the SAV took the lead together with ASOSAI’s members in directing supreme audit institutions (SAIs) to follow ASOSAI’s important agenda with outstanding results.
Vietnamese State Auditor General Tran Sy Thanh |
After the Hanoi Declaration “Environmental Audit for Sustainable Development” was adopted at the ASOSAI 14, the SAV strived to deliver on commitments in the document, he said.
The SAV also actively worked with the National Audit Office of China – ASOSAI Secretary General, members of the ASOSAI’s Governing Board, committees and working groups to promote the successful implementation of the ASOSAI strategic plan for the 2016-2021 period, towards building a professional, dynamic and creative ASOSAI which is ready to cope with challenges and emerging issues in the region and the world.
It also initiated the making of documentary film “ASOSAI for sustainable development” which was screed at ASOSAI 15, and attended many important international forums, during which it delivered reports on the role of SAIs in the transparency of public finance, improving accountability, effectively using national budget, enhancing the fight against corruption and improving the quality of human resources.
Amid the COVID-19 pandemic since 2020, the SAV actively chaired and attended over 80 online meetings, training courses and seminars within the framework of the International Organization of Supreme Audit Institutions (INTOSAI), ASOSAI and ASEANSAI, most notably the virtual 55th meeting of the ASOSAI”s Governing Board chaired by the SAV which was highly welcomed by ASOSAI.
At the ASOSAI 15, the SAV transferred its ASOSAI chairmanship to the State Audit Office of Thailand.
As a member of the ASOSAI’s Governing Board for the 2021-2024 tenure, the SAV pledges to play an active, proactive and responsible role to continue upholding its stature in ASOSAI and the world communities, Thanh said.
Source: VNA