The establishment of a Vietnamese-language faculty at Cambodia’s Royal University of Phnom Penh is beneficial to the Cambodian people and helps strengthen the two countries’ relations. (Photo: baochinhphu.vn)

Viet said at the ministry’s regular press briefing that Vietnam and Cambodia are close neighbors whose peoples and governments want to promote extensive cooperation in all fields, including education and training.

“We believe that this meaningful event will promote cooperation in education, trade and investment, enhance understanding and exchanges between the two peoples, and make positive contribution to comprehensive relations, traditional and long-term friendship between Vietnam and Cambodia,” said the deputy spokesman.

On August 23, speaking at a graduation ceremony for students at the Asia Euro University in Phnom Penh, Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Sen said the establishment of the Vietnamese faculty will be beneficial to the Cambodian people and help strengthen relations between the two countries.

He added that the new establishment will encourage Cambodians to turn their attention to Vietnam, benefit those living in areas bordering Vietnam, and boost trade and job creation. It will also allow Cambodian students to learn the language before pursuing their education in the neighboring country.

Source: VNA