In a statement, Rolliansyah Soemirat said Indonesia initiated the establishment of the ASEAN Maritime Outlook (AMO) which is a strategic document in strengthening the synergy of maritime cooperation under ASEAN's three pillars. In the future, the AMO will serve as the main reference for maritime cooperation between ASEAN member states with external partners.
ASEAN Senior Officials’ Meeting held in Jakarta, Indonesia on September 3 |
The potential for maritime cooperation in the Indo-Pacific is enormous and multidimensional, strategically, politically, economically and socially for its people, he added.
The first edition of the AMO, which was recently launched during Indonesia's chairmanship period, comprehensively summarizes the progress of maritime cooperation in ASEAN. This will be a compass for ASEAN in determining the direction of maritime cooperation in the future. The AMO also provided recommendations on potential maritime cooperation undertaken by ASEAN sectoral bodies, mechanisms and processes.
According to him, the potential for maritime cooperation is also increasingly open along with the development of new maritime issues, such as cyber attacks on ships and port facilities, blue economy and renewable energy.
Going forward, the AMO, which is launched every three years, will serve as a practical reference for ASEAN leaders, ministers, sectoral bodies, and partners in understanding and advancing ASEAN maritime cooperation.
This Outlook is expected to make a meaningful contribution to efforts to build a secure, stable and prosperous ASEAN Community, as well as further strengthen ASEAN's relations with external partners.
Source: VNA