At the 42nd ASEAN Summit

In the Chairman’s Statement approved at the 42nd ASEAN Summit, which took place in Labuan Bajo, Indonesia, from May 9-11, the ASEAN leaders stressed the need to pursue a peaceful resolution in settling disputes in accordance with the universally recognized principles of international law, including the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea 1982.

They underscored the importance of the full and effective implementation of the Declaration on the Conduct of Parties in the East Sea (DOC) in its entirety, while emphasizing the necessity to enhance mutual trust and confidence, exercise self-restraint in the conduct of activities that will complicate or escalate disputes and affect peace and stability, and avoid actions that may further complicate the situation.

They welcomed ongoing efforts to strengthen cooperation between ASEAN and China, as well as the progress of the substantive negotiations towards the early conclusion of an effective and substantive Code of Conduct in the East Sea (COC); and the initiative to expedite the COC negotiations, including the proposal to develop guidelines for accelerating the early conclusion of an effective and substantive COC.

The ASEAN leaders also emphasized the need to maintain and promote an environment conducive to the COC negotiations.

Source: VNA