During the programs, speakers from Brigade 161 provided essential information about the role and significance of Vietnam's sea and islands, as well as the historical and legal evidence of sovereignty over the Hoang Sa (Paracel) and Truong Sa (Spratly) Archipelagoes.

At the event (Photo: baohaiquanvietnam.vn)

They also highlighted the Party and the State's viewpoints and solutions for safeguarding maritime sovereignty, emphasizing the pivotal role of the Navy in this task and underlining exemplary achievements of the Vietnam People's Navy. Additionally, information about military school admissions for the Naval Academy in 2024 was presented.

The program aimed to help teachers and students gain a deeper understanding of Vietnam's sea and islands and the Party and State's guidelines regarding the safeguarding of sovereignty over national sea and islands in the current context. Furthermore, it sought to raise the responsibility of the younger generation for the nation construction and defense endeavors.

Translated by Chung Anh