Passing more than 1,000 nautical miles, the delegation toured and encouraged soldiers and people working and living on islands of the Truong Sa archipelago and DK1/7 Platform.

People on the islands welcoming the delegation

The delegation was briefed on the units’ task performance and presented meaningful gifts to the troops and people in the areas.

The delegation also participated in a flag-saluting ceremony in Song Tu Tay (Southwest Cay) Island; offered incense at a memorial house dedicated to President Ho Chi Minh, a martyrs’ monument on Truong Sa (Spratly) Island, to name but a few.

The delegation encourages troops via walkie talkie

Due to harsh weather conditions, the delegation was unable to reach DK-1/7 platform. Rear Admiral Phan Tuan Hung and delegates inquired after troops on the platform via walkie talkie. Gifts will be later transferred to the troops.

The journey ended successfully with absolute safety. Concluding the visit, the organizing board presented the “For the cause of protecting the national sovereignty over sea and islands” medals to 17 individuals; awarded the “Truong Sa soldier” badges to 181 individuals. Meanwhile the delegation handed over gifts to troops on duty on board and Hai Dang art troupe, Khanh Hoa province.

Presenting gifts to the troops on duty on board

This was the eighth delegation of military units and localities visiting and encouraging troops and people on Truong Sa archipelago and DK1 platforms. The journey held meaningful significance, especially on the occasion of the 68th founding anniversary of the Vietnam People’s Navy; affirming the care of the Party, State, military and people towards troops and people working and living on islands and DK1 platforms.

It also provided the delegation with knowledge about the achievements of the Vietnam People’s Navy, contributing to raising patriotism among them, and firmly protecting national sovereignty over sea and islands.

Translated by Minh Anh