Students visit Ship 275 of Brigade 172 under Naval Region 3.

The journey, jointly organized by the Naval Region 3 Command, the Youth Union Organization, Department of Education and Training, and the Charity and Children’s Right Protection Association of the city, saw the participation of more than 250 disadvantaged children from seven districts of Da Nang city.

In this event, they toured places where naval troops of Brigades 161 and 172 under Naval Region 3 live, study, work, and do other activities.

The highlight of the journey was the program “Sharing compassion, fostering students to go to school,” during which participating students were introduced to national sea and islands, Vietnam’s sovereignty over the Hoang Sa (Paracel) and Truong Sa (Spratly) archipelagos, difficulties, hardships, and sacrifices of troops of the Vietnam People’s Navy who are safeguarding national sea and islands around the clock. In this program, the municipal Youth Union Organization and the city’s Charity and Children’s Right Protection Association presented 40 gifts to children of Naval Region 3’s servicemen and other disadvantaged local students.

The journey made a deep impression on participating students, inspiring them to love the country, national sea and islands more, spreading the image of naval troops, tightening the troops-people solidarity, contributing to firmly defending national maritime sovereignty.

Translated by Mai Huong