PM Pham Minh Chinh speaks at the meeting with national contributors nationwide in Thua Thien Hue province on July 22.

The event saw the presence of 300 delegates representing more than 9.2 million national contributors across Vietnam.

Addressing the meeting, PM Pham Minh Chinh expressed his deep gratitude to veteran revolutionaries, heroic Vietnamese mothers, heroes of the People’s Armed Forces, wounded soldiers, martyrs’ families, and other contributors to the revolution.

He said that over revolutionary periods, especially the struggles for national independence and reunification, the defense of the border, and the performance of international missions, generations of Vietnamese people bravely devoted their lives for the sake of national construction and safeguarding and the people’s peace and happiness, and many fell down or sustained wounds.

Over the last 76 years, the Party and State have paid special attention to gratitude expressing activities, issued a number of policies to support wounded soldiers, martyrs’ relatives and other national contributors, and considered this as an important and regular political task, he noted.

PM Pham Minh Chinh greets and presents gifts to Heroic Vietnamese Mothers at the meeting.

PM Pham Minh Chinh highlighted the development of the “Paying the Debt of Gratitude” movement in society, the building and upgrade of martyr graves, cemeteries and monuments, as well as the fruitful search for, repatriation and identification of martyr remains.

On behalf of Party General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong and other Party and State leaders, PM Pham Minh Chinh voiced his admiration for the strong will and efforts by wounded soldiers, martyrs’ relatives, and other revolution contributors to move forwards and continue dedicating their strength, wisdom, and talent to supporting their families, hometowns, and the nation.

Pointing out difficulties facing national contributors, he asked all-level administrations, sectors, and localities to continue properly implementing the Party’s guidelines and the State’s policies and laws, further promote the care for the contributors, and overhaul related policies and legal regulations to help make up for their disadvantages.

The Government leader demanded grassroots-level administrations to create favorable conditions for wounded soldiers and martyrs’ families to better bring into play their role in economic development to further contribute to the society.

The PM underlined the need to increase communications to educate young people on the country’s history. He also called on revolution contributors nationwide to continue upholding traditions, making dedications, and setting bright examples for younger generations to follow.

PM Pham Minh Chinh presents gifts to representatives of martyrs' families at the meeting.

Also on July 22, PM Pham Minh Chinh visited and presented gifts to Nguyen Trung Chinh, 94, a veteran revolutionary in Phu Nhuan ward, and Heroic Vietnamese Mother Nguyen Thi Vang, 100, in Thuy Xuan ward of Hue city.

Source: VNA