As a mountainous district of Thai Nguyen province, Vo Nhai is home to many ethnic minority groups. There still exist a number of unsound customs, violence, deforestation, and law violations.

Therefore, in order to raise public awareness of law, Vo Nhai district, in collaboration with functional organs, regularly organized conferences to disseminate law to local residents.

(Photo for illustration)

To effectively do the dissemination work, the district, together with reputable people in the community, visited each household, disseminated law, and encouraged them to strictly observe laws and join hands to ensure security and social order.

They also disseminated laws directly or via loudspeaker systems so that ethnic people living in remote areas could also listen to any new laws.

Khuoi Meo hamlet, Sang Moc commune, is one of the neediest H’mong hamlets in Vo Nhai district. Child marriage still exists in the community. Therefore, to help them understand more about the consequences of the unsound customs, functional organs distributed leaflets and tried to explain that this custom is illegal.

Hoang Van Thao, Deputy Head of Vo Nhai district Justice Department noted that through many kinds of dissemination forms in the locality, local people are well aware of law, thereby reducing law violation cases.

In addition, Vo Nhai district also applied digital transformation to dissemination work, bringing active outcomes. It has created the “Toan Dan Podcast” (podcast for all people) website, releasing a newsletter every week, some of which are also broadcast in ethnic languages, so that local people can understand and grasp information more easily. The main content of the news is to disseminate the State’s policies and laws as well as alert them to the tricks of criminals.

It can be seen that law dissemination among ethnic minorities in Vo Nhai district plays an important significance in the implementation of ethnic policy, thereby raising public awareness and making contribution to socio-economic development in the locality.

Translated by Minh Anh