Most students from the Dak Glong Primary and the Secondary Boarding School for Ethnic Minorities in Dak Glong district, Dak Nong province are the Ma, M'nong, H'mong, Tay, Tung, Nung, Thai ethnic people. Therefore, artistic activities are not only seen as a cultural festival but also as an occasion for students to wear their traditional costumes and play folk games, including walking on stilts, and “con” throwing, blind man’s buff, to name but a few. Le Thi Anh, Vice Headmistress of the school, shared that these activities have drawn the enthusiastic participation of students and teachers, creating a joyful atmosphere for them to further study and work better.

An art club at Tay Son Ethnic Boarding Secondary School in Nghe An province

Similarly, in recent years, the Southwestern Region Boarding High School in Nghia Lo town, Yen Bai province has organized various folk games to enhance coordination and solidarity among students, contributing to preserving and upholding national cultural values.

In Nghe An province, the province’s boarding school for ethnic minorities in Vinh city conducted cultural activities in the week leading up to the lunar New Year (Tet) to raise students’ awareness of preserving and promoting cultural identities of ethnic minority groups.

It can be seen that integrating cultural activities and folk games into the school's teaching curriculum in ethnic minority areas is an effective way to educate students about traditions and culture while preserving and upholding national cultural values.

Translated by Quynh Oanh