During the event, the voluntary groups and doctors from Ho Chi Minh City and the local authority handed over 500 gifts to disadvantaged students, 700 gifts to national contributors, needy people and people with disabilities in Tu Mo Rong district.

In addition, the doctors gave free medical examinations and medicines to hundreds of policy beneficiaries, national contributors, poor people, and people with disabilities in the district; offered haircuts to local people, organized “Zero-VND stall” programs and other activities for people.

According to Mr. Vo Trung Manh, Chairman of the Tu Mo Rong district People’s Committee, over the past years, the district has focused on conducting activities to help children go to school and taking care of people’s health.

The program also aimed to create better conditions for students in their study and showed the local authority’s care for people’s health. Reportedly, about 2,000 local people received free health check-ups and medicines from the program, he added.

Below are some photos of the program.

The organizing panel presents gifts to heroic Vietnamese Mother Y Tria.
A large number of local people in Tu Mo Rong district attend the event.
Local people and children receiving gifts from the “Zero-VND stall” program
Doctors giving health check-ups to local people
Members of voluntary groups giving haircuts to local people
Children are happy to receive gifts from the organizers.

Translated by Quynh Oanh