This revolution opened a new era in the cause of liberating nations, classes, and stopping oppression, and building up a better society for the people.

V. I. Lenin 

The victory of the Russian October Revolution, one of the most noteworthy events of the early 20th century, marked a milestone in the human history. It aimed to abolish oppression classes and the exploitation of man by man; it turned the working class, the exploited and voiceless class, into the main class in the society and laborers, who had been, in effect, slaves, to become co-owners of the nation.

The success of the Russian October Revolution led to the formation of a socialist state - the first-ever proletarian state in the history of the world, and turned socialism from theory to reality in the political life of the world. It signaled the start of the socialist and communist transformation progress, opening up a new era of transition from capitalism to socialism throughout the world.

Moreover, this Revolution set up the first landmark of the great victory of Marxism and Leninism against hostile ideologies and opportunist tendencies in the international workers' movement. With the victory of the revolution, the scientific socialism was not a specter to hunt Europe, but the reason to live and the hope of the working class on earth. It inspired victories of national liberation and socialist movements in various countries such as Poland, Bulgaria, the German Democratic Republic, Cuba, and Vietnam, which paved the way for the birth of a system of socialist countries for the first time in the history of humankind. Notably, for a brief period, this system dominated a number of important fields in the modern world.

The victories of the Russian October Revolution and other people’s revolutionary causes since Second World War until now and the developments in Russia as well as countries under the former USSR (Union of the Soviet Socialist Republic) and Eastern Europe, demonstrated the great value and eternal vitality of Marxism and Leninism. They are the pinnacle of human intelligence and the sharp and irreplaceable weapon of the working class in the fight to remove the old oppressive system and construct a new advanced society.

Receiving the light of the Russian October Revolution, Vietnamese leader Nguyen Ai Quoc - Ho Chi Minh thoroughly grasped the core of V. I. Lenin’s thought, “Workers of all countries and all oppressed peoples, unite!” After reading the first draft thesis on national and colonial issues written by V. I. Lenin and published on the L’Humanité (Humanitarian) Newspaper, an organ of the French Socialist Party, Nguyen Ai Quoc found the guidance for the Vietnamese national salvation cause. He affirmed that to liberate the country, there was no other way but the proletarian revolutionary path under the leadership of a revolutionary party.

Under the light of the Russian October Revolution and sound leadership of the Communist Party of Vietnam and President Ho Chi Minh, Vietnam’s revolutionary cause has gained considerable achievements over the past nearly 90 years, including the victory of the August 1945 Revolution to form the Democratic Republic of Vietnam, and the victories of the Dien Bien Phu Campaign in 1954 and the General Offensive and Uprising in the spring of 1975 to bring about freedom and independence to all Vietnamese people. In spite of a changing world, Vietnam remains steady and has prospered with a stable socio-political situation, while persistently following the chosen path: national independence attached to socialism for a rich people, a strong country and an equitable, democratic and civilized society.

A century has passed, but the great value of the Russian October Revolution has become emboldened in the minds of people worldwide and shed a light for the Vietnamese revolutionary cause.

Translated by Van Hieu