Members of the sub-committee, including Politburo members: President Vo Van Thuong, Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh, National Assembly Chairman Vuong Dinh Hue, Permanent member of the Party Central Committee’s Secretariat and Head of the Party Central Committee’s Organization Commission Truong Thi Mai, and member of the Secretariat of the Party Central Committee and Head of the Party Central Committee’s Inspection Commission Tran Cam Tu, attended the meeting.

Party General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong chairs a meeting of the personnel sub-committee of the 14th National Party Congress on March 13.

Stressing the importance of personnel preparations for the coming congress, General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong, who is also head of the sub-committee, said together with making arrangements for all-level congresses, the Party is also preparing for the 14th National Congress, scheduled to take place in the first quarter of 2026.

At its 8th session in October 2023, the Party Central Committee decided to establish five sub-committees to prepare for the 14th National Congress, namely the ones on documents, socio-economic affairs, the Party’s statutes, personnel affairs, and organization.

The two most important parts of each congress are discussing and deciding the political lines and tasks of the Party (also called adopting documents), and electing leadership bodies of the Party (or working on personnel affairs). These two contents are closely connected with each other and must be well prepared. In particular, making personnel preparations for the congress holds critical importance as it is the decisive factor of the congress’s success and the successful implementation of the congress’s resolutions, he noted.

The Party chief emphasised that the Party Central Committee is the supreme leadership body during the interval between two national Party congresses, and serves as the centre of solidarity and unanimity of the entire Party and people. It consists of strategic-level officials who are the quintessence of the Party. They must be truly steadfast while possessing sufficient mettle, virtues, wisdom, and high prestige to resolve strategic-level issues as well as complicated situations related to national construction, development and defense and the regime’s survival in a timely, righteous, and effective manner.

Therefore, the sub-committee's members must thoroughly grasp the role of this extremely important issue in not only the organization of a Party congress but also the Party’s destiny, the regime’s survival, and national development, the Party leader stressed.

The General Secretary demanded the Politburo and the Party Central Committee make good preparations to submit personnel plans to the 14th National Congress for consideration and decision.

The Party Central Committee, the Politburo, the Secretariat, and the entire political system must show the highest sense of responsibility, strong determination, and great efforts while working in a truly impartial, objective, and scientific manner and putting interests of the nation, the Party, and the people above all, he requested.

At the meeting, the leader also gave instructions for personnel affairs of the 14th National Party Congress.

Source: VNA