The opening session was broadcast live on the Vietnam Television (VTV), The Voice of Vietnam (VOV), and the legislature’s television channel.

Party General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong, State President Vo Van Thuong and other leaders of the Party, State, N.A. officials and former leaders attend the event. (Photo:

At this extraordinary meeting, N.A. deputies will look into and adopt the draft revised land law and draft revised law on credit institutions.

The revised land law has 16 chapters and 260 articles, with the removal of five articles, and amendment to 250 articles in the law presented at the sixth session. Meanwhile, the revised law on credit institutions has 15 chapters and 210 articles, with the removal of four articles, supplement of 11 articles and amendment made to several others in the one presented at the previous session.

N.A. Chairman Vuong Dinh Hue addresses the event. (Photo:

The deputies will consider a draft resolution on several mechanisms and special policies to remove bottlenecks so as to accelerate the implementation of national target programs. Besides, they will scrutinize the capital supplement of the mid-term public investment plan with central budget capital for the 2021-2025 period from the general reserve source, and the capital supplement of the mid-term public investment plan for the Vietnam Electricity from the reserve source of the mid-term public investment plan.

An overview of the event (Photo:

The extraordinary meeting will conclude on January 18, with a break on January 17 for competent agencies to revise and complete the draft laws and resolution.

Source: VNA