Tan Trao, known as the cradle of Vietnam’s revolution, was once the home of President Ho Chi Minh and Party agencies in the period before the success of the August Revolution in the resistance war against French colonialists.

NA Chairwoman Nguyen Thi Kim Ngan speaking at the event (Photo: quochoi.vn)

It was the venue for many historic events leading up to the victorious August Revolution, including the Congress of People’s Representatives - precursor of the National Assembly - chaired by President Ho Chi Minh on August 16, 1945 to determine the destiny of the nation.

On September 2, 1945, at Ba Dinh Square in Hanoi, President Ho Chi Minh delivered the Declaration of Independence giving birth to the Democratic Republic of Vietnam.

General Secretary of the NA and head of the NA Office Nguyen Hanh Phuc emphasised that the NA, born during the revolutionary struggle, was not only an achievement but also a requirement of the revolution.

The legislature is a symbol of national independence and unity as well as the will and energy of the Vietnamese nation, he said.

At the event (Photo: quochoi.vn)

Participants also watched a documentary called “September 2, 1945” on the significance of National Day.

Source: VNA