Briefing the voters of global headwinds that affect the local livelihoods, Quang highlighted that thanks to the comprehensive, drastic and timely leadership of the Party, close coordination of the N.A. and other organizations in the political system, consensus among residents, support from the international community as well as sound direction of the Government, localities across the nation saw positive socio-economic recovery during January-April.

Deputy Prime Minister Tran Luu Quang speaks at the meeting.

The macroeconomy was stable, inflation was controlled, economic growth was promoted across the three domains of industry, agriculture and service, and major balances were ensured, he stressed, adding institutional completion, administrative reform and national digital transformation were pushed ahead during the period.

However, he pointed out several challenges to the socio-economy, including small economic scale, and uneven growth quality among localities.

Recognizing the rapid and comprehensive development of Hai Phong, Quang said the city has been a leader in public capital disbursement, state budget collection, and FDI attraction.

He asked Hai Phong to continue promoting its tradition, dynamism, creativity and solidarity, while meticulously preparing personnel work for the upcoming Party Congress and promoting democracy and the role of leading officials.

A voter voices her opinions at the event.

He also instructed the city to well implement the project on developing the application of population database, e-identification and e-authentication to serve the national digital transformation during the 2022-2025 period with a vision to 2030.

At the hybrid event, voters pinned their high hopes on the 15th N.A.’s seventh sitting which will cover a lot of important issues, expecting they will help bolster the socio-economy, strengthen the defense-security, and settle issues of locals’ concerns.

They expressed their opinions and made suggestion on the issues of socio-economy, land, education, agriculture, social security, digital transformation and merger of administrative communal units and several bills.

Secretary of the city's Party Committee and head of the delegation of the local N.A. deputies Le Tien Chau took note of the voters’ opinions and recommendations, saying the deputies will submit to the N.A. and relevant agencies for consideration and settlement.

Source: VNA