The delegation visiting Thanh Thuy district

The visit was part of the delegation’s program to participate in the Hung Kings Death Anniversary 2023.

Welcoming the delegation, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee and Chairman of the People’s Committee of Thanh Thuy district Duong Quoc Lam introduced about the province’s Southwestern locality, which has hot a mineral water source – the precious gem bestowed by the Nature. According to experts, such water source is placed only after Japan’s Mount Fuji’s.

The official emphasized that Thanh Thuy district continues to develop local tourism into a spearhead economic sector in the 2020-2025 period with a focus on resort tourism, eco-tourism, and spiritual cultural tourism. In recently years, development in Thanh Thuy tourism sector has made important contributions to the local socio-economic development and transformation of labor and economic structure towards modernity. At present, 70 tourism projects are being carried out in the district.

Thanh Thuy district's representative receiving overseas Vietnamese's gifts

Home to natural hot mineral water, Thanh Thuy has become a key in the province’s tourism and a highlight in resort tourism, according to Director of the provincial Department of External Affairs.

Expressing their best impression on the development of the ancestral land, many OVs said that they will popularize the potential and strength of the locality to international friends and act as bridges to help connect, promote investment and develop tourism of Phu Tho province and Thanh Thuy district.

On behalf of the OVs delegation, deputy head of the Vietnamese Association in the Czech Republic Nguyen Thi Dieu Linh and an OV in Germany, Nguyen Dieu Linh, presented the district VND 36 million as a small gift of the OVs to the locality.

The delegation offering incense at Lang Suong Temple

On the occasion, the delegation offered incense at Lang Suong Temple, the only site worshipping the whole family of Tan Vien Mountain Saint, one of the four immortals in traditional Vietnamese mythology.

Translated by Mai Huong