President of the Vietnamese Association in the Republic of Korea Vu Duc Luong

President of the Vietnamese Association in the Republic of Korea Vu Duc Luong said that Hung Kings worshiping is the Vietnamese people’s religious practice, demonstrating their gratitude to ancestors and the national unity which helped the nation overcome all difficulties and challenges to obtain great achievements. 

This unique anniversary offers overseas Vietnamese around the globe an opportunity to practice the Hung Kings worshiping belief, which is inscribed on   the Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity. The overseas Vietnamese said that this year's program left a lot of sacred emotions on him.  

According to Luong, he and other Vietnamese people working and living abroad have paid attention to popularizing Vietnam’s beautiful culture features to international friends and teaching their children about the country’s history and culture, thus igniting their love for their roots. In the RoK, on the Hung Kings’  Death Anniversary, the Vietnamese community organizes numerous activities to show their love for the homeland.

President of the Vietnamese Association in Thailand’s Udon Thani Province Luong Xuan Hoa (right) handing a souvenir from overseas Vietnamese in Udon Thani to Phu Tho province

Luong Xuan Hoa, President of the Vietnamese Association in Thailand’s Udon Thani province, who has travelled to Hung Kings Temple and participated in the Hung Kings’  Death Anniversary for the third time, said that each time he comes to the province, he sees positive changes in the land.

This year, apart from offering incense at temples in the Hung Kings Temple complex, overseas Vietnamese visited such historical relics in Phu Tho province as Father Lac Long Quan Temple and Lang Suong Temple and enjoyed Xoan singing performances.

Mr. Hoa highly appreciated the country’s preservation of Xoan singing in the context of its quick integration into the world. He said that it helps Vietnam not only restore cultural space and develop tourism, but also passes it on to younger generations.

According to him, on the Hung Kings’  Death Anniversary on the 10th day of lunar March, overseas Vietnamese in Thailand organize activities at Hung Kings Temple in Udon Thani province.

For Nguyen Thi Dieu Linh, Vice President of the Vietnamese Association in Czech Republic, such a “returning-to-the roots” trip was a very rewarding experience. Through the activity, she had more understanding about her homeland’s cultural identities.

Nguyen Thi Dieu Linh, Vice President of the Vietnamese Association in the Czech Republic

From knowledge acquired during the trip, overseas Vietnamese can share what they "see and hear" in Vietnam with people in their host country to help them have deeper insight into Vietnam as well as with the Vietnamese people who were born and raised in foreign countries, to help them cherish their roots.

Mrs. Linh also expressed the hope to return to Vietnam to make more contribution to the nation.

Translated by Tran Hoai