At the event, President of the association Nguyen Thi Ngoc Diep reviewed its activities in the last six years.

The Vietnamese students at the event

She said that the association is identifying specific and diverse goals regarding the needs of the Vietnamese student community in Thailand and making efforts to link and build relationships with businesses to have more funding to carry out activities. It has also planned to organize trips to help disadvantaged families in Thailand and visits to President Ho Chi Minh's relics in Thailand, aiming to foster revolutionary ideals and love for their homeland and the late leader, and to establish relations with students’ associations in Vietnam to exchange experiences about the associations' work and the student movements.

On this occasion, Vietnamese students attended a talk show in which university lecturers and experts shared their experiences of learning the Thai language and overcoming cultural shocks to better integrate into the community in the host country. Participants also joined games and musical performances at the event.

Source: VNA