The event was part of the exchange and cooperation activities between the two countries to celebrate the 50th founding anniversary of the diplomatic relations, and mark the 10-year development milestone of the Vietnam Business Association in Japan (VJBA) in Japan.

Yoichiro said the VJBA’s robust development is a vivid testament to the cooperation between Vietnam and Japan over the past decade.

A number of cooperation agreements are signed between the Vietnam Business Association in Japan with partners at the Vietnam - Japan Business Day in Tokyo on November 2, 2023

Addressing the event, VJBA President Tong Kim Giao highlighted the association’s practical contributions to the Vietnam-Japan friendship and cooperation, saying that the event marked the sustainable development of the Vietnamese community in Japan, where the Vietnamese business community has continuously worked hard to achieve successes today.

Vietnamese Ambassador to Japan Pham Quang Hieu expressed his hope that the Vietnamese business/entrepreneur community abroad in general and in Japan in particular will make more contributions to the economic development of both countries, as well as the development of the Vietnamese community in Japan.

According to the diplomat, businesses and entrepreneurs are increasingly asserting their significance and role in Vietnam’s economic development. Vietnam is home to nearly 900,000 operating businesses, contributing more than 60% of the national GDP.

Peter Hong, Vice Chairman and Secretary-General of the Business Association of Overseas Vietnamese (BAOOV) stressed that the VJBA should play an even more significant role in enhancing connectivity among businesses and between enterprises and the community.

BAOOV is willing to work as a bridge between the Vietnamese business community in Japan with overseas Vietnamese entrepreneurs in other countries around the world, he said.

On the occasion, the VJBA signed a number of cooperation agreements with partners.

Established in September 2013, the VJBA is a non-profit organization representing Vietnamese businesses in Japan and connecting Vietnamese and Japanese firms.

Source: VNA