The delegates at the event. Photo: Vietnam+ 
Speaking at the event, VWA Vice Chairwoman of the 2014-2017 tenure Mai Thi Hong Ngoc said the association held New Year celebrations for the Vietnamese community in 2015 and 2016, celebrated International Women’s Day each year and raised funds for those living alone and patients with fatal diseases.

Over the past three years, VWA has raised funds for and presented gifts to orphans and scholarships to poor students, she said.

About activities in the next tenure, Ngoc highlighted teaching young generations about the native land and engaging them in movements towards the home country.

First Secretary of the Vietnamese embassy in the RoK Nguyen Dinh Dung asked VWA to continue offering help to Vietnamese nationals in the country, promote linkage and solidarity among members, popularize the images of Vietnam and its people, as well as support the cause of safeguarding national sovereignty.

He also pledged all possible support for VWA in the future.

The Congress elected a 21-strong Executive Board led by Chairwoman Ngoc.

The VWA was established on October 20, 2014 with the aim to gather Vietnamese women in the RoK and protect their interests by providing them with mutual support and information about the Korean culture, law and language.

Nearly 70,000 Vietnamese women are now living in the RoK.

Source: VNA