At the event, Vietnamese Ambassador to France Dinh Toan Thang said formed and developed for over 100 years, the community now is highly appreciated for its integration and contribution to both the host nation and their home country.

At the event

On behalf of the General Union of Vietnamese in France (UGVF), former chairperson Thérèse Nguyen Van Ky expressed her hope that the committee will strengthen its role in organizing activities toward the homeland for overseas Vietnamese children, creating support mechanisms for expatriates’ associations, and helping diversify activities of the community.

Elderly overseas Vietnamese wished that the State would create favorable conditions for Vietnamese language teaching and learning to preserve it for the younger generation and develop learning in France.

Vietnamese students in France, meanwhile, said they want to promote the potential of overseas Vietnamese intellectuals to serve the homeland.

The representative of the Vietnam Business Association in France stressed the willingness to act as a bridge to strengthen trade relations between France and Vietnam.

Taking into account these comments, Hieu said the two major focuses for the time to come are promoting the operation of the expats’ associations and strengthening Vietnamese language teaching and learning.

The Vietnamese Party and State leaders always pay attention to OVs who now total 5.3 million, considering them an integral part of the nation, the official affirmed.

He highlighted his belief that the Vietnamese community in France will continue to develop, unite, and make significant contributions to Vietnam’s construction and development as well as to strengthening the Vietnam-France relations.

Source: VNA