Participants at the program

Division 9 was selected by the Department of Legal Affairs under the Ministry of National Defense and the Department of Political Education and Information under the General Department of Political Affairs to be the first unit launching this program in the South of Vietnam according to the Ministry of National Defense’s Project 1371.

At the program, representatives from local authorities and Division 9 discussed contents related to the Law on Military Service in 2015, Law on Drug Prevention and Control in 2021, Law on Prevention and Control of Harmful Effects of Alcoholic Beverages in 2019, and the Law on Road Traffic, to name but a few. In addition, the organizers provided local cadres and people with legal policies, national socio-economic development.

Delegates talk about law.
Play performance makes the information dissemination program more interesting.

The program was held in diverse forms, including talks, exchanges, law-related games, and plays in order to help local cadres, troops, and people learn more about the dissemination contents.

In his speech, Senior Colonel Nguyen Van Dung, Deputy Political Commissar of Army Corps 4, acknowledged the organizers’ coordination results on legal information dissemination. He suggested Division 9 to keep close contact with local authorities and related units to ensure the dissemination effects, contributing to building a strong local political establishment, and a safe locality.

At the event

Over the past years, Division 9 has actively and proactively worked with local Party committees, authorities to equip local people with the Party’s guideline and policies, the State law and legal regulations on socio-economic development, all people’s defense posture building, outcomes of the mass mobilization work and its emulation movement “The military joins hands in building new-style rural area building.” The division’s programs have helped tighten the solidarity between troops and people, creating high consensus, contributing to maintaining local stability.

Translated by Chung Anh