On June 17, while conducting a patrol to manage and safeguard local borderline and border markers, the officer found a wallet, containing VND 4.3 million in cash and some personal papers, named Ha Van Yet, a resident in hamlet 1, Ia Dal commune of Kon Tum province’s Ia H’Drai district.

Immediately, the officer reported to the unit’s chain-of-command to find the wallet’s owner. On the same day, Ha Van Yet and his wife, both rubber workers, came to the border post to receive the wallet.

After verifying the owner’s information, the officer returned the wallet to Yet.

Second Lieutenant Vo Viet Anh returning a lost wallet to the rightful owner

Born in 1998, officer Anh undertakes and fulfil all assigned missions. Since he was first deployed to the Sa Thay Border Post in 2020, Anh has shown his firm political stance and determination to firmly safeguard national sovereignty, effectively manage border exit and entry, and prevent the COVID-19 pandemic from entering the country.

As Head of the Drug and Crime Prevention Team, the officer has actively made recommendations to higher levels to develop plans to manage and protect security in border areas, combat crimes, and conduct mass mobilization activities in an effective manner.

As reported, together with managing and protecting security in border areas, the Sa Thay Border Post has organized various mass mobilization activities.

Particularly, the unit has contributed to socio-economic development, hunger elimination and poverty reduction, and medical and education assistance models in a bid to raise local people’s living standards.

Its troops also disseminated information on the Party’s guidelines and State’s law and policies for local people.

More importantly, amid the complicated development of the COVID-19 pandemic, troops of the post have overcome various challenges to carry out the “dual tasks” of managing border areas and preventing SARS-CoV-2. It also provided medical supplies and instructed local people to protect themselves from the virus.

The good deed of officer Anh helps enrich the image of Uncle Ho’s soldiers and strengthen military-civilian solidarity, especially amid the COVID-19 pandemic.

Translated by Tran Hoai