Sr. Lt. Gen. Le Huy Vinh addresses the event.

According to the inspection results, the Vietnam Coast Guard Command’s Party committees, chains-of-command at all levels have paid due attention to directing the effective implementation of administrative reform work and development of e-government. Especially, dissemination of information about the work has been promoted with close attachment to real conditions of each affiliated agencies and units of the command.

Under the leadership of the command, its affiliates have fulfilled the transmission of military data to target units.

The command has regularly reviewed, adjusted, issued and replaced documents to better the performance of duties. Attentively, almost all the meetings were held in virtual form, exceeding the Ministry of National Defense’s targets and information technology has been applied effectively to task implementation.

Gen. Vinh inspects the command's application of information technology to its duty performance.

Concluding the inspecting session, General Vinh highlighted the important role of the Vietnamese coast guard force in safeguarding national sovereignty over sea and islands, economic activities, and social order and safety in the waters of the country.

He urged the command to boost administrative reform, especially building and completing related legal system, and enhance the application of information technology and digital transformation.

The command should build e-government, and continue to comprehensively develop approaches to ensuring information security and safety and promoting digital transformation in building a modern coast guard force to meet mission requirements.

Translated by Mai Huong