After the inspection, the mission evaluated that in 2021 the military region’s Party Committee and Chain-of-command led judicial, inspection, and legislation agencies to successfully carry out leadership resolutions of Party committees at all levels, legal documents of the State, and guidance of ministries and central agencies.

General Luong addresses the event.

The military region’s judicial, inspection, and legislation agencies well conducted information dissemination and law education activities, contributing to preventing violations and crimes in localities in the region. In addition, they actively compiled and issued legal documents and internal regulations in a timely manner. 

The Standing Agency of the Steering Committee for the implementation of the National Plan on Combat against Drugs, Human Trafficking, Smuggling, Trade Fraud and Counterfeit and on Practice of Thrift and Anti-wastefulness (Steering Committee 1389) of Military Region 5 effectively carried out its advisory role to the Command of Military Region 5, thus reducing violations and crimes related to the armed forces.

An overview of the event

Speaking at the meeting with the military region’s representatives, Senior Lieutenant General Vo Minh Luong asked the military region’s Party Committee, Chain-of-command, and relevant agencies to continue studying the Party’s guidelines and resolutions and State’s policies on military and defense missions and foster cooperation with judicial, inspection, and legislation agencies and civilian and military crime prevention agencies and units.

The deputy defense minister added that the military region should strictly and effectively implement plans and directives of the Politburo and the Central Military Commission on promoting the Party leadership over the crime prevention work in the new period.

He urged relevant agencies to closely follow the situation of armed forces-related violation and crimes and forecast possible situations to make effective recommendation on crime prevention work to higher levels and raise the quality of investigation, prosecution, and judgment.  

Translated by Tran Hoai