Delegates at the opening ceremony of the sport festival

Eight teams from the GS’s affiliated agencies and units competed in the event.

The festival aimed to review participating units and agencies’ training and practicing outcomes; capability of taking command, organization, and coordination in handling fire and explosion-related situations; management, exploitation, and use of fire-fighting equipment and vehicles.

Lt. Gen. Nguyen Van Nghia presents souvenir flags to participating teams

The event helped raise awareness, responsibility, competence, and techno-tactics of troops and employees in realizing fire prevention and control regulations. It also helped draw lessons in a timely manner, fix shortcomings, and develop new approaches for the fire prevention and fighting work.

The team from the Department of Military Training under the General Staff practices fire-fighting in combination with moving assets and preventing fire spread in a distance of 100m.

During the festival, troops showed knowledge of the Law on Fire Prevention and Fighting, general knowledge of the work, and practiced a run relay to extinguish a liquid fire in a distance of 300m; fire-fighting in combination with moving assets and preventing fire spread in a distance of 100m; fire-fighting using water pump; and fire-fighting using fire engines.

Translated by Mai Huong