General Luong Cuong and Sr. Lt. Gen. Le Huy Vinh and outstanding servicewomen in a joint photo

The program held in both in-person and online forms saw the presence of Director of the General Department of Political Affairs (GDP) General Luong Cuong, Deputy Defense Minister Senior Lieutenant General Le Huy Vinh who is also head of the board, and representatives from the General Staff, the Ministry of Home Affairs, the Vietnam Women’s Union, military agencies and units, and 378 outstanding military women’s union members.

On behalf of the Standing Board of the Central Military Commission and MND leaders, General Cuong inquired after and congratulated all female officers, employees, soldiers, and workers in the whole military, especially 378 outstanding ones.

General Cuong confirmed that military women not only have all good qualities of Vietnamese women but also have favorable conditions to bring into play and shine them in specific military environment.

General Luong Cuong talks with delegates.

The GDP chief added that more than 93,000 military women’s union members are working in different military units and fields throughout the country. Some have worked in specialized fields. Some have taken part in the United Nations peacekeeping operations, and joined training, combat readiness, weapons and ammunition production activities.

“Regardless of your posts, you are an important force contributing to the successful performance of the political tasks of the military, brightening up the Vietnamese women’s golden traditions of “Heroic, indomitable, loyal, responsible,” General Cuong emphasized.

To raise the efficiency of the work for women’s advancement and gender equality in the military, General Cuong asked party committees and chains-of-command of military agencies and units and military women to continue to embrace and strictly implement the Party’s guidelines, and the State’s policies and laws, the directions by the Central Military Commission and MND on women affairs and gender equality.

Exemplary women exchange with other participants of the program.

They should actively train, foster, appoint female cadres. In addition, they should arrange work for them in line with their professional expertise, capacity, strength, and family situations, especially those working in remote, mountainous, and disadvantaged areas, said General Cuong.

He also urged agencies and units to create favorable conditions for servicewomen to study, practice, devote, improve, and develop, so as they could well perform their duties at work and at home. 

For those who were honored on the day, General Cuong asked them to promote their attainments, continue to study, improve their professional expertise, bring into play noble virtues of Uncle Ho’s soldiers and traditions of Vietnamese women, military women in the current period.

In recognition of their contribution and achievements at home and abroad, the defense minister presented certificates of typical military women in the 2012-2022 period to 378 female delegates. This is a source of encouragement for them to contribute more to the military and national development and the high quality and efficiency of the work “for women’s advancement and gender equality in the military.”

Translated by Mai Huong