The event was chaired by Deputy Defense Minister Senior Lieutenant General Vo Minh Luong and attended by Deputy Chief of the General Staff (GS) Senior Lieutenant General Nguyen Van Nghia.

Deputy Defense Minister Senior Lieutenant General Vo Minh Luong chairs the conference.

The project is divided into five parts via three phases, aiming to finalize the organization of the legal system in the military, in accordance with its assigned tasks, boost the State management in the field of defense, while raising the quality and responsibility of troops tasked with legal work in the military.

Delegates at the event

Concluding the conference, Gen. Luong requested the steering committee to complete the project in line with the Party’s resolutions and directions, State’s constitution and law, as well as military’s regulations, contributing to building a revolutionary, regular, elite and modern military, meeting all task requirements in the time to come. 

* On the same day, in Da Nang city, the Party Central Committee’s Commission for Mass Mobilization held a conference to review its task performance in the first half of the year. Deputy Chief of the General Department of Political Affairs (GDP) Lieutenant General Nguyen Van Gau attended the event.

Lieutenant General Nguyen Van Gau attends the event.

Reportedly, in the first six months of the year, the mobilization work was innovated under the leadership of party committees and organizations at all levels. Meanwhile, relevant organs actively worked with local authorities to disseminate information and mobilize people to join the national target program on building new-style rural areas, reducing poverty, developing socio-economy in ethnic minority-populated and mountainous areas; and ensuring defense and security as well as social security, so as to raise the people’s spiritual and material life.

During the conference, delegates delivered speeches focusing on the reality of mass mobilization work in localities and military units, sharing experience in this field, and mapping out solutions to overcome difficulties in this work in the time to come.

* GS’s Deputy Chief Senior Lieutenant General Huynh Chien Thang on July 14 led a delegation to inspect the counter-terrorism force of Commando Brigade 126 under the Naval Service and Military Region 3.

GS's Deputy Chief Senior Lieutenant General Huynh Chien Thang speaking at the inspection session at Commando Brigade 126

Reportedly, over the past years, the units have strictly maintained combat readiness training while ensuring security and safety during important events of the State and military. In addition, they have also boosted training to master equipment and weapons. Regarding counter-terrorism drills, the units have actively built plans and effectively organized training in line with reality.

Addressing the inspection, Gen. Thang requested Commando Brigade 126 and Military Region 3 to raise troops’ awareness and grasp troops’ political stance, while closely working with the local authorities to handle any arising issues in the areas, boosting patrol to ensure absolute safety in the unit. Especially, the units should also organize training as scheduled.

* On the occasion of the 76th anniversary of the Wounded and Fallen Soldiers’ Day (July 27, 1947 - 2023), on July 14, a delegation of the Central Military Commission (CMC) and the MND, led by the GS’s Deputy Chief Lieutenant General Nguyen Doan Anh, visited and presented gifts to war veterans at Kim Bang and Duy Tien Convalescent Centers in Ha Nam province.

Lieutenant General Nguyen Doan Anh visits and presents gifts to war veterans.

Gen. Anh expressed his gratitude to the war veterans, and thanked the local authorities for their support to the war veterans. He also wished them good health, hoping that they would further promote noble virtues of Uncle Ho’s soldiers and soon stabilize their lives.

On this occasion, the GS’s deputy chief presented gifts of the CMC, MND to Duy Tien Convalescent Center, and GS’ gifts to Kim Bang Convalescent Center.

* GDP’s Deputy Chief Lieutenant General Le Quang Minh and the delegation of the GDP, on the same day, offered incense to pay tribute to GDP’s former Chief General Nguyen Chi Thanh.

Lieutenant General Le Quang Minh and the delegation of the GDP offer incense to pay tribute to GDP’s former Chief General Nguyen Chi Thanh

During the event, Gen. Minh and the delegation paid tribute to General Nguyen Chi Thanh in recognition of his great contribution to the cause of national liberation, construction and protection, as well as the construction of the Vietnam People’s Army and the GDP.

On the occasion, the delegation also visited a museum dedicated to General Nguyen Chi Thanh.

Translated by Minh Anh