Talking to the press, the ambassador held that the visit will continue to promote bilateral dialogue at the Prime Minister level, underlining that it will be a highlight of close ties between the two countries' people, which has been the foundation for the bilateral relationship over the past 74 years.

The visit will prompt new progress in the implementation of joint projects and the building of bilateral legal cooperation frameworks, she said.

Romanian Ambassador to Vietnam Cristina Romila

The diplomat underscored that that the fruitful cooperation between the two countries over the past five years has affirmed the deep friendship between Vietnam and Romania. The two sides joined hands in setting major challenges such as the COVID-19 pandemic, and made joint efforts to evacuate more than 1,000 Vietnamese citizens from conflict areas in Ukraine.

Romila noted that along with meetings between Romanian President Klaus Werner Iohannis and Vietnamese PM Pham Minh Chinh on the sidelines of international events, the bilateral political-diplomatic relations have seen new progress.

Particularly, when Romania held the Presidency of the European Council, the E.U. - Vietnam Free Trade Agreement (EVFTA) and E.U. - Vietnam Investment Protection Agreement (EVIPA) were signed, she said, adding that Romania was one of the first E.U. members to ratify the EVIPA.

At the same time, people-to-people diplomacy between the two countries has been promoted after the COVID-19 pandemic, along with cultural, academic and business exchanges. Representatives from 30 Romanian universities have visited Vietnam over the past two years. The Romanian Bucharest Symphony Orchestra performed in Hanoi and Da Lat in 2022 and 2023. A number of Romanian business delegations also visited Vietnam to seek partnership opportunities, helping to diversify bilateral economic cooperation, the diplomat noted.

Regarding major collaboration areas and priorities for the bilateral partnership in the coming time, the ambassador underlined that the 17th meeting of the Vietnam - Romania Joint Committee for Economic Cooperation last November achieved fruitful results. The two sides agreed on important cooperation mechanisms in areas of mutual interest such as trade, agriculture, sanitation, energy, labor, science, technology and culture, she said.

Romania can become a gateway for Vietnamese goods to penetrate into Europe, while Vietnam can support Romania to enter the ASEAN market, the ambassador said.

She stressed the need for the two sides to optimize the efficiency of the EVFTA to further open the doors for each other and draw more investment in areas of shared interest.

Source: VNA