The statement was made by Le Hoai Trung, head of the CPV Central Committee’s Commission for External Relations, while chairing online conferences to inform outcomes of the 13th National Congress of the CPV to the two Parties on May 28.

At the event

The official briefed the Cuban and Russian sides on achievements and challenges facing the country, as well as its development targets by 2030 with a vision towards 2045.

The Cuban and Russian sides congratulated the CPV for the successful organisation of the congress, and expressed their belief that under the CPV’s leadership, the Vietnamese people will realise guidelines adopted at the congress and reap greater achievements in socialism building.

The Communist Party of Cuba and the United Russia Party always attach importance to cooperation with the Vietnamese Party, considering this an important political foundation to promote and deepen the Vietnam-Cuba special friendship, and the Vietnam-Russia comprehensive strategic partnership, their representatives said.

Source: VNA