Hosting a reception for Deputy Mayor of China's Chongqing city Zhang Guozhi in Hanoi on October 16, Hang highlighted the Chinese city’s contributions to nurturing the fraternal friendship between the two nations, including its efforts to preserve President Ho Chi Minh’s relic sites during his stay there for revolutionary activities.

Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs Nguyen Minh Hang (right) and Deputy Mayor of China's Chongqing city Zhang Guozhi (Photo: Ministry of Foreign Affairs)

She congratulated Chongqing’s socio-economic achievements over the past time, and suggested the city share experience with Vietnamese localities in socio-economic development, especially in the fields of manufacturing and urban management.

Urging both sides to work together to bolster economic-trade cooperation, Hang expressed her hope that Chongqing will purchase more high-quality agro-fishery products from Vietnam, and join hands with competent sides to effectively operate the China - E.U. freight train route so as to facilitate Vietnam’s exports to third nations.

She asked Chongqing to coordinate with relevant authorities to accelerate the opening of the Vietnamese Consulate General in the city, while agreeing with her Chinese guest to enhance collaboration in cultural and people-to-people exchanges and tourism.

She also recommended Chongqing create favorable conditions to open additional flights to Vietnamese localities.

Introducing Chongqing’s socio-economic development, Zhang Guozhi proposed several initiatives to boost cooperation between Chongqing and Vietnamese localities in the time ahead, including the maintaining of delegation exchanges at all levels.

She asked for Vietnam’s support for Chongqing enterprises in investment activities in the Southeast Asian country, and welcomed Vietnam to the Western China International Fair and many other international trade fairs in his city.

She said she wishes both sides will step up people-to-people exchanges, education and tourism cooperation.

Source: VNA