Trac, who was accompanying President Nguyen Xuan Phuc's official friendly visit to Cuba, affirmed that the relationship between the two parties, states and people is a valuable asset that should be transferred to younger generations.

He briefed his Cuban host on the implementation of the Resolution of the 13th National Congress of the Communist Party of Vietnam as well as the socio-economic situation of Vietnam recently.

Phan Dinh Trac (L), Politburo member, Secretary of the Party Central Committee and Chairman of the Party Central Committee’s Commission for Internal Affairs, holds a working session with Roberto Morales Ojeda, Politburo member and Secretary of Organization and Cadre Policy of the Communist Party of Cuba (CPC)’s Central Committee.

The two sides discussed a number of issues related to personnel work, Party building as well as Party’s supervision, inspection and disciplines, along with corruption prevention and control activities.

Roberto Morales Ojeda lauded the visit by the Vietnamese high-ranking delegation, stressing that the ties between the two Parties lay an important foundation for both sides to foster and strengthen the Cuba-Vietnam special traditional relationship.

He said that the CPC highly valued experience shared by Vietnam on the implementation of the “Doi Moi” (Renewal) cause launched and led by the Communist Party of Vietnam.

The Cuban official proposed that in the future, the two parties should continue to work closely together and increase the exchange of experience, especially in socio-economic development and party building.

At the meeting, the two sides also exchanged information about the two parties and countries, and discussed issues of shared concern. They also sought ways to further strengthen ties between the two parties and committed to working together to turn exchanged ideas into an action program between the two parties in the time to come.

Source: VNA