During the talks, conducted at the request of the Chilean side, PM Chinh affirmed Vietnam's determination in responding to climate change, reducing greenhouse emissions, and switching to green and circular economy, showing the country’s responsibility to common efforts in protecting and preserving the environment.

He proposed Chile work to hasten the international community to create more favorable conditions for developing countries to access capital and technologies to improve the capacity to respond to climate changes.

Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh

For his part, President Sebastian Piñera thanked Vietnam for the commitments and contribution that the country has made within the framework of the Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs), stressing that Chile hopes to strengthen partnership with Vietnam in this important area.

He said that Chile wishes to cooperate with Vietnam in energy and engage in free trade agreements in which Vietnam and ASEAN are members.

The two leaders spoke highly of the positive growth of the bilateral partnership, especially a surge in bilateral trade of 59 percent year on year in the first nine months of this year to USD 1.47 billion.

Both sides agreed on a number of measures to further beef up the comprehensive partnership between the two countries in the time to come.

They concurred to maintain close coordination and support each other in international organizations and at multilateral forums, contributing to fostering the ties between ASEAN and the Pacific Alliance, as well as to peace, stability, cooperation and development in both regions.

Source: VNA