Cuban Ambassador to Vietnam Orlando Nicolás Hernández Guillén speaks at the event.

The event was an opportunity to review historical moments, honor the fraternal solidarity and arouse the pride in the valuable support of Leader Fidel Castro and the Cuban people for Vietnam. It was also a chance to pay tribute to generations of leaders and people of the two countries who have continuously consolidated and developed the special fraternal solidarity between Vietnam and Cuba over the past six decades.

Addressing the event, Nguyen Van Hay, President of the Vietnam - Cuba Friendship Association of Hanoi, said the image of Leader Fidel Castro in an olive military uniform and raising the flag of the National Liberation Front of South Vietnam in September 1973 has become a symbol of revolutionary heroism as well as the faithful and pure Vietnam - Cuba relations.

Fifty years have passed, Fidel's affection still has a deep impression in the minds and lives of many Vietnamese people, continuing to be a symbol of revolutionary heroism, undaunted spirit and aspiration for freedom and happiness, a symbol of close relations with the Vietnamese people, he said.

Cuban Ambassador to Vietnam Orlando Nicolás Hernández Guillén said he believed that the seminar will help the young generations of the two countries have a better understanding about meaningful milestones in the history of the bilateral ties, thereby fostering and preserving Vietnam - Cuba relations.

He affirmed that in his position he will continue to make efforts to further strengthen and expand the good traditional relationship between the two countries.

Source: VNA