During a recent interview with Vietnam News Agency’s correspondents in Hanoi, the ambassador stated that the implementation of the door-opening policy and the “Doi Moi” (Renewal) cause over the past 35 years has created an impetus for the country’s sustainable growth and economic development.

Peruvian Ambassador to Vietnam Augusto Morelli

Regarding Vietnam’s efforts in COVID-19 prevention and combat, the diplomat said Vietnam does not stand alone in the fight, as it is a global issue. Agencies of both Peru and Vietnam have rolled out various measures to minimise the adverse impact of the pandemic and speed up vaccination programmes.

He also laid stress on the significance of efforts made in economic recovery as well as the balance between economic development and public health care.

Because both Peru and Vietnam are emerging economies, the two need to bolster multilateralism and globalisation, thereby ensuring each country’s engagement in the global supply chain, Morelli underlined.

On such basis, the two countries welcome practical cooperation frameworks, including the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) forum which Vietnam and Peru joined in 1998; and the Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership (CPTPP), a large integration mechanism that enables the two economies to expand markets.

The ambassador also noted that Peru and Vietnam share numerous similarities in economic trends, adding that globalisation and trade exchange are among factors helping the countries sustain and bolster growth.

He took the occasion to extend his congratulations to Party General Secretary and State President Nguyen Phu Trong on his re-election as General Secretary of the 13th-tenure Central Committee of the Communist Party of Vietnam.

The Peruvian diplomat spoke highly of determination and tenacity of Vietnam’s Party and State in upholding and building on achievements during the implementation of regulations and policies outlined by the country’s leaders.

Source: VNA