The artists use traditional and modern instruments including the charango, bombo and zamponas. The performances include traditional dances of the ancient Peruvian civilization as well as new dances based on the indigenous culture and influences from Spanish and African cultures.

The repertoire includes song and dances featured at festivals and ritual ceremonies.

Peruvian band Apu Inka

The band will perform Chuklla, a kind of traditional music of the ancient Incas which is often played at special ritual ceremonies and festivals.

The musical piece El Cóndor pasa, composed by Peruvian musician Daniel Alomías Robles in 1913, is considered the second national anthem of Peru.

Carnavalito Humahuaqueño is the most famous musical work of Andes folklore. With energy and joy, the piece conveys a festive and happy atmosphere.

The show will end with the song Hello Vietnam.

The band's founder John Zorrilla is an artist and instructor in Andean ethnic musical instruments. He grew up with traditional legends and the culture of the people in the Andes Mountains.

He founded the band in 2008 with the desire to use music as a language to connect people.

The music of Apu Inka is a harmonious combination of traditional ethnic melodies with modern sounds. Its unique music comes from the contribution of each member as well as from the mix of Andean culture and western culture.

Through music, the band promotes and spreads not only Peruvian folklore but also other Latin American nations. It has received a "Peruvian National Brand" certificate to promote the image of Peru to the world.

The band, which recently launched its latest song Planeta about the environment in Japan, has toured in many countries such as the US, Kuwait, Japan, Russia, Germany and Italy.

Source: VNA