Welcoming D’Hose on her official visit to Vietnam from August 21-25, Chairman Vuong Dinh Hue said the Senate President is the highest-ranking official of Belgium to visit the Southeast Asian country in 2023 as the two countries are celebrating the 50th anniversary of bilateral diplomatic ties and the 5th anniversary of their strategic partnership in agriculture.

Both leaders highly valued their countries’ cooperation and friendship, noting that the two sides are holding numerous activities to celebrate 50 years of their diplomatic relations.

Chairman of the National Assembly Vuong Dinh Hue (right) and visiting President of the Belgian Senate Stephanie D’Hose in Hanoi on August 21

They considered the E.U. - Vietnam Free Trade Agreement (EVFTA), which is being enforced, is an achievement of economic cooperation between Vietnam and the E.U., including Belgium.

The Vietnamese top legislator called on Belgium to create optimal conditions for Vietnamese goods, especially rice and coffee, to access the Belgium and E.U. markets.

D’Hose suggested Vietnam provide favorable visa-related conditions for citizens of Belgium and other E.U. member nations. In response, Chairman Vuong Dinh Hue said that at its recent 5th session, the Vietnamese N.A. approved a law on important amendments to the visa policy for foreigners.

Regarding development cooperation, the host leader thanked Belgium for its assistance to Vietnam and asked the two sides to keep collaboration in such focal areas as clean agriculture, renewable energy, digital economy, and green economy via the Belgian Government’s preferential credit package Finexpo, in line with both sides’ conditions and interests.

He suggested Belgium provide support in terms of resources, finance, institutional building, and manpower training for Vietnam; and help the Southeast Asian country promote sustainable development, circular economy, environmental protection and climate change response, especially during the realization of the commitments made at the 26th U.N. Climate Change Conference (COP26) and within the framework of the Just Energy Transition Partnership (JETP).

At the talks, both sides highly appreciated the importance of the E.U. - Vietnam Investment Protection Agreement (EVIPA). Chairman Vuong Dinh Hue called on the Belgian Federal Parliament to speed up the process of ratifying the EVIPA. D'Hose said that the Belgian Federal Parliament is pushing for the ratification process of the agreement, which is expected to be completed at the beginning of 2024.

Chairman Vuong Dinh Hue speaks at the event.

Chairman Vuong Dinh Hue also proposed the Belgian Federal Parliament push the European Commission to soon remove its illegal, unreported, and unregulated fishing (IUU) yellow card warning against Vietnamese seafood.

He affirmed that Vietnamese authorities are actively implementing solutions to sustainably exploit aquatic resources for the country’s benefit.

Both sides highly appreciated the two countries' establishment of a strategic partnership in the agricultural sector and wished to deepen the relationship with the establishment of a food supply chain. The N.A. Chairman suggested the two countries cooperate to improve their capacity to ensure hygiene, animal and plant quarantine, and the quality of goods following E.U. technical standards.

Vietnam welcomes Belgian businesses to invest in the Southeast Asian country in the fields of green and sustainable development, maintaining existing supply chains, and developing new supply chains in which the two sides have strengths, he said.

D'Hose said that the Belgian side will coordinate with the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development of Vietnam to organize a seminar to promote agricultural cooperation within the framework of the two countries’ strategic cooperation in agriculture in October this year.

Regarding parliamentary cooperation, the two leaders assessed that the cooperation relationship between the Vietnamese N.A. and the Belgian Federal Parliament in general, and the Senate in particular, has developed well, been implemented at all levels, and achieved positive results.

An overview of the talks

Chairman Vuong Dinh Hue hoped the Belgian Federal Parliament to share experience with the Vietnamese legislative body on building legal institutions related to digital transformation and just energy transition.

The two sides agreed to increase the exchanges of high-level delegations and delegations of committees, the two countries' friendship parliamentary groups, female parliamentarians, and young parliamentarians. They agreed to promote the mechanism of consultation and mutual support at multilateral parliamentary forums; coordinate in promoting the implementation of sustainable development goals and the agreements that the two governments signed. They will also further support and promote cooperation between localities and the business communities of the two countries.

D'Hose told the host that a resolution is expected to be approved by the Belgian Chamber of Representatives on support for victims of Agent Orange/dioxin in Vietnam. The resolution will call on the Belgian Government to promote efforts to provide more aid to Vietnamese AO victims, and to support the Vietnamese Government in helping them.

This resolution is being consulted, and expected to be ratified in October 2023, she said, adding that the Belgium-Vietnam Friendship Parliamentarians’ Group is very interested in this document.

Belgium is willing to cooperate and share experience and knowledge in researching and producing dioxin detoxification technology, she affirmed.

Appreciating Belgium’s move, Chairman Vuong Dinh Hue said that Vietnam would like to thank the support of the international community, including Belgium, to help Vietnam detoxify dioxin and support victims.

Senate President Stephanie D'Hose speaks at the talks. 

At the talks, the two leaders exchanged views on cooperation in education and training; and agreed to continue creating favorable conditions for the Vietnamese community living in Belgium, and maintain effective coordination at multilateral and international forums such as the United Nations, the International Organization of La Francophonie, the Asia-Europe Meeting (ASEM), and the Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU).

Sharing outstanding results in socio-economic development, especially in sustainable poverty reduction, new-style rural area building, and human rights, the Vietnamese top legislator welcomed Belgium and E.U. countries to strengthen dialogue and cooperation with Vietnam in these fields for mutual benefits, and support each other when Vietnam and Belgium are both members of the U.N. Human Rights Council for the 2023 - 2025 term.

He took this occasion to invite the Belgian Senate and Chamber of Representatives to send a delegation to attend the 9th Global Conference of Young Parliamentarians to be held in Vietnam in September. The President of the Belgian Senate confirmed that Belgium will send a delegation to Vietnam to attend this event.

After the talks, the two sides signed a letter of intent on cooperation between the Vietnamese N.A. and the Belgian Parliament.

On August 21 evening, N.A. Chairman Vuong Dinh Hue will host a banquet in honor of Senate President Stephanie D'Hose and the Belgian delegation.

Source: VNA