Argentinean Ambassador to Vietnam Luis Pablo Maria Beltramino speaks at the meeting.

Speaking at the event, Argentinean Ambassador to Vietnam Luis Pablo Maria Beltramino reviewed important historical milestones in the bilateral relations. The diplomat affirmed that over the past five decades, the bilateral relationship between the two governments and nations has become increasingly better and more dynamic.

Despite geographical distance and time zone difference, Argentina and Vietnam have strongly promoted cooperation as well as fostered a strong comprehensive partnership. The two countries have hosted high-level dialogues and maintained regular exchanges at all levels. Bilateral trade has sustainably developed, reaching about 5 billion USD in 2022. The two sides have signed more than 40 bilateral agreements. 

An overview of the celebration

Ambassador Luis Pablo Maria Beltramino emphasized the importance of people-to-people exchange activities between the two countries. Notably, he highly appreciated the contribution of VUFO and the Argentine - Vietnam Cultural Institute (ICAV) in promoting friendship and solidarity between the two peoples.

At the meeting, VUFO’s President Phan Anh Son said that in recent years, the union has coordinated with ICAV to welcome more than 20 delegations of intellectuals, reporters, scientists, doctors, and artists to Vietnam to tour and learn about the country. ICAV has also coordinated with Vietnamese partners to organize activities to introduce and popularize Vietnamese culture to Argentinean people, promote exchanges and friendship among provinces, cities, and schools of two countries.

VUFO’s President Phan Anh Son at the meeting
Mrs. Mai Thi Phuong Hoa addressing the event

In addition, VUFO is working with Vietnamese governmental agencies to accelerate the establishment of the Vietnam - Argentina Friendship Association, thus continuing to promote the people-to-people relations between the two countries.

At the meeting, Vice Chairwoman of the National Assembly Committee for Judicial Affairs and President of the Vietnam - Argentina Friendship Parliamentarians’ Group Mai Thi Phuong Hoa affirmed that Vietnam attaches great importance to and wishes to further strengthen the comprehensive partnership with Argentina. In the new stage of development, she said that the two countries should focus on political - diplomatic, economic and trade, and education and training aspects.

Regarding political - diplomatic field, she said that the two sides should continue to build up the relationship between senior leaders through high-level visits and meetings at regional and international forums; promote the role of dialogue mechanisms, including political consultation between the two ministries of foreign affairs; support each other at multilateral forums.  

Delegates in a joint photo

In economic and trade aspect, she suggested the two sides facilitate each other's goods flow; promote cooperation in agriculture and agricultural product processing technologies; bridge the two countries' business communities and encourage mutual investment; consider and accelerate the opening of a direct air route; promote cooperation and connection between localities and people-to-people exchange activities. 

She emphasized the need to strengthen cooperation between universities and research centers of the two countries; strengthen delegation exchanges and cooperation in sports and tourism promotion.

The Vietnamese diplomat believed that with the strong foundation of 50-year diplomatic relationship, the bilateral relations will develop comprehensively, strongly, substantially, and effectively.  

Translated by Tran Hoai