Major press agencies such as the Latin American news agency Prensa Latina, the daily Granma run by the Communist Party of Cuba, and Cubadebate – the most visited website in the Caribbean island nation have published articles on the April 18-23 trip, saying its course covers April 19, which marks Cuba's Giron Victory and the establishment of the country’s 10th National Assembly of People’s Power (ANPP).

N.A. Vice Chairman Nguyen Duc Hai bids farewell to N.A. Chairman Vuong Dinh Hue (first row, left) at Noi Bai International Airport on April 18.

The Vietnamese high-level delegation is the first foreign one to visit Havana after Cuba’s new legislative body was set up, marking a new milestone in the two countries’ relations. The trip is also the fourth made by the top legislator of Vietnam to Cuba in the 21st century, following those by Nguyen Van An in 2006, Nguyen Phu Trong in 2010, and Nguyen Thi Kim Ngan in 2016.

The Cuban press highlighted Chairman Vuong Dinh Hue’s contribution to the legislative reform in order to achieve the goals for 2045 set out at the 13th National Congress of the Communist Party of Vietnam, which outlined a strategy focusing on innovation and creativity as well as a vision to make Vietnam a developed, high-income country at the time.

In the most complicated times of COVID-19, under the leadership of the N.A. Chairman, the Vietnamese lawmaking body has made important decisions to successfully combat the pandemic and promote socio-economic recovery and development with a recovery-targeted approach and a new perspective for Vietnam that is accompanying the government toward the ultimate goal of protecting people's well-being.

Cuban public opinion held that his visit demonstrates the Vietnamese N.A.'s highest political will of always standing side by side with the ‘Island of Freedom’ and continuing the tradition of solidarity, support and comprehensive cooperation between the two peoples throughout the ups and downs of history.

Cuban media also affirmed that very few countries worldwide share a special and traditional friendship based on fraternity, close-knit ties and mutual trust like Vietnam and Cuba. The nations’ party, state, government leaders and people have jointly cultivated and developed their rare brotherhood, comprehensive cooperation, and unlimited solidarity and loyalty.

At an online exchange between the top legislators of the two countries on March 25, 2022, Chairman Vuong Dinh Hue highlighted their special solidarity and friendship are a valuable asset that the two parties, states and peoples need to preserve, develop and pass on to future generations. He also underscored that in the heart of every Vietnamese, Cuba always occupies a very important position.

On April 18 morning, N.A. Chairman Vuong Dinh Hue left Hanoi for his official visits to Cuba, Argentina and Uruguay from April 18-28, at the invitations of President of the National Assembly of People's Power of Cuba Esteban Lazo Hernandez, President of the Chamber of Deputies of Argentina Cecilia Moreau, and Speaker of the Senate of Uruguay Beatriz Argimon Cedeira, respectively.

Source: VNA