Konecna said the political and diplomatic relations between the Czech Republic and Vietnam have been growing well as seen in mutual visits at all levels over the recent past.

She underlined that the time-tested friendship and multifaceted cooperation between the two countries as well as between the KSCM and CPV have been nurtured by generations of the countries’ leaders and developing unceasingly since bilateral diplomatic ties were established in 1950.

Vietnamese Ambassador to the Czech Republic Duong Hoai Nam (right) and Chairwoman of the Communist Party of Bohemia and Moravia (KSCM) Katerina Konecna at their meeting on April 17

The KSCM’s consistent policy is to foster its traditional connections with communist and left-wing parties along with progressive forces around the world, including the CPV, she stated.

The Chairwoman applauded the development of the two Parties’ cooperation with many delegation exchanges held, most recently the working visit by Secretary of the CPV Central Committee and Chairman of the CPV Central Committee’s Commission for Information and Education Nguyen Trong Nghia.

The maintenance of frequent mutual visits will help strengthen the two Parties’ relations, she noted, asking the Parties’ communications bodies to enhance collaboration and experience sharing.

She also expressed the readiness to welcome and support Vietnamese delegations on visits to Czech localities.

Appreciating KSCM leaders and Konecna’s attention and sincere sentiment towards Vietnam, Ambassador Nam repeated Nghia’s invitation to the KSCM leaders to visit the Southeast Asian nation.

As the two countries are about to celebrate the 75th anniversary of their diplomatic ties in 2025, he called for the KSCM’s support for and coordination in the organization of celebratory activities.

Nam also proposed Konecna, as a member of the European Parliament, help promote the European Commission’s early removal of the “yellow card” warning over illegal, unreported, and unregulated (IUU) fishing for Vietnam to assist the country’s fisheries sector to develop sustainably.

Source: VNA