The BPP is a flagship initiative of the Australian Government. It supports partnerships with businesses to deliver sustainable economic growth and poverty reduction together with commercial returns.
Businesses with a commercial idea that could make a lasting social impact are encouraged to contact the Australian Embassy in Hanoi. |
“Australia is committed to working in partnership to support economic recovery from COVID-19 in Vietnam, while at the same time addressing the impacts of climate change,” said Ms. Robyn Mudie, Australian Ambassador to Vietnam. She added that “business ingenuity and innovative ideas can drive a more resilient economy and help us to build back better from the pandemic. By investing in innovations and encouraging private sector investment, we will support Australia’s Technology Investment Roadmap and help to drive down the cost of low emissions technologies and accelerate their uptake in Vietnam.”
The BPP can co-finance with businesses to support green COVID-19 economic recovery by establishing partnerships in climate and renewable energy. In Vietnam, the Australian Government is seeking innovative partnerships, not limited to:
• Transition to clean energy sources in green manufacturing and green agriculture
• Affordable off-grid renewable energy solutions for rural and remote communities
• Renewable waste recycling including solar photovoltaic panel waste
• New models and innovations for carbon offsets and carbon sequestration
• Creation of green jobs and upskilling opportunities.
Businesses can apply individually or in a consortium. The Australian Government will provide matched funding of up to AUD 750,000 for each successful business initiative.
Businesses with a commercial idea that could make a lasting social impact are encouraged to contact the Australian Embassy in Hanoi, or visit: for further information. Applications are due February 8, 2021.
Thu Nguyen