At the event taking place at the National Experimental University of the Armed Forces (UNEFA), Vietnamese Ambassador to Venezuela Le Viet Duyen reviewed the developments of the army and its contributions to Vietnam’s national construction and defense.

Vietnamese Ambassador to Venezuela Le Viet Duyen (4th from right) and leaders of  Venezuela's National Experimental University of the Armed Forces (UNEFA) attend the celebration.

In peacetime, Vietnam’s all-people national defense contributes to preserving peace for national development.

The army also promotes defense diplomacy in co-operation activities with neighboring countries, ASEAN member countries, and others.

In particular, in efforts to contribute to the world's common issues, Vietnam has sent forces to UN peacekeeping missions in African countries with 512 officers, including 75 female ones, Ambassador Le Viet Duyen said.

Attending the event, UNEFA chief inspector Major General Ramon Balza Liota expressed his admiration for the heroic and brave Vietnamese people in the struggle to defend national independence, unification, construction, and development of the country.

He said the celebration of anniversary in Venezuela helps boost the friendship between the two peoples, contributing to promoting the comprehensive, friendship, and traditional partnership between the two countries.

Source: VNA