At the event

Among them is the Nafoods group, which sells dried tropical fruit, particularly mango. The company’s current sales are estimated at 200 – 250 tonnes of the products per month.

Talking to the Vietnam News Agency’s correspondent at the Nafoods stall, Trade Counsellor of Vietnam in Russia Duong Hoang Minh said the export value of dried mango products from Vietnam to Russia hit 9.1 million USD between January and November last year, up 10 percent on-year and accounting for more than 92 percent of Russia’s total import value of such products.

He noted that only 202,000 USD worth of dried mango was exported to Russia in 2017, adding that dried fruit is a good option when Vietnamese fresh fruit is yet to access the Russian market.

Another Vietnamese enterprise participating in the exhibition is the Sostra group, which has operated for 20 years in the market with hundreds of food brands, notably regarding chili sauce, soy sauce, and instant noodles.

The event, featuring stalls from nearly 2,700 firms across 73 countries, has attracted tens of thousands of visitors.

Source: VNA