Delegates from the Departments of Industry and Trade of the localities briefed participants on the potential of import and export and their key trade sectors. Meanwhile, Indian businesses’ representatives made known banks' financial support for import and export, and cooperation opportunities between India and Vietnam through Gopalpur Industrial Park of India.

An overview of the symposium

According to Vice Director of the Department of Industry and Trade of Phu Yen Nguyen Thi Kim Bich, Phu Yen boasts great potential to export seafood to India.

The locality looks forward to enhancing trade cooperation with partners in the Indian market, in order to export canned seafood, cashew nuts and fertilizers to the South Asian country, Bich said.

Vice Director of the Department of Industry and Trade of Ninh Thuan Tran Quoc Sanh said the province has imported white-leg shrimps, and machinery and equipment serving wind and solar power development from India.

He expressed his hope that the Indian Consulate General in Ho Chi Minh City will pay attention to promoting trade exchange between the two sides, thus expanding import of agro-forestry-fishery products of Ninh Thuan, and speeding up the implementation of investment projects in agricultural and aquatic product processing industry for export in the locality.

Ninh Thuan has various potential products for export such as aloe vera, asparagus, grape, apple, onion, garlic, fish sauce, bird's nests, goat and sheep, among others, he said, adding that these products will be promoted directly by local businesses with Indian businesses right at face-to-face dialogue sessions.

According to Vice Director the Department of Industry and Trade of Khanh Hoa Phan Thi Thu Cuc, Khanh Hoa’s export turnover to India topped 437,000 USD in 2022.

She called on businesses of Khanh Hoa and India to continue strengthening business cooperation and import-export activities in the future. 

Meanwhile, Director of the Department of Industry and Trade of Binh Dinh Ngo Van Tong said the province looks to welcome more Indian businesses in the coming time.

GunadharSena, Director of Bank of India in Ho Chi Minh City updated participants on loan policy in import - export activities between Vietnam and India, pledging to provide maximum support to Vietnamese businesses that need loans as they export goods to India.

Nishu Mishra from Tara Steel Special Economic Zone Limited spoke about the potential of Gopalpur Industrial Park, expressing his hope that businesses of the South-central region will visit and consider investing in the park in the future.

At direct dialogue sessions in the framework of the conference, businesses of the two sides discussed opportunities, legal issues, and issues related to the import - export market.

Source: VNA