The Philippines opened the score early in the match, while Vietnam failed to create many dangerous chances, but still managed to equalize in the 40th minute after a mistake by goalkeeper Olivia McDaniel. From a cross by defender Nguyen Thi My Anh on the left, McDaniel failed to catch the ball and allowed Bich Thuy to score with a rebound shot.

In the match between Vietnam and the Philippines

In the 83rd minute, from a free-kick on the left-hand side, midfielder Sara Eggesvik crossed the ball into Vietnam's 5.5m box. Defender Hali Long jumped up to put pressure, forcing Tran Thi Thu to head the ball into her own net, securing a 2-1 victory for the Philippines, to the surprise of goalkeeper Tran Thi Kim Thanh.

Vietnam will have two days off before playing in the semifinals on May 12, most likely against the host country Cambodia. In Group B, Thailand and Cambodia have secured their spots in the next round, and they will play against each other on May 9 evening, to determine the group winner.

Source: VNA